CSPP at Alliant International University – Fresno PhD

PSY6056-F1  Data Analysis, Research Design & Program Evaluation

Spring 2014


Instructor:                                 Merle Canfield, Ph.D.

Contact Information:                Phone:  (559) 253-2237    E-mail:  mcanfield@alliant.edu

                                                   Cell : (917-881-1398)

Office Hours:                            Mon-Fri. 8:00 to 9:00 in my office or by appointment.

Course Day/Time:                    Thursdays 1:00 PM to 3:55 PM

Location:                                   Room 73

Teaching Assistant:                  TBD (see Moodle for information)


I.  Rationale

This course is instrumental in creating the basic level of knowledge required by practicing psychologists to consume the vast and expanding quantities of research literature in the area of practice they choose.  This course will focus on helping students develop an understanding of the statistical analyses used in psychological research in order to enhance their understanding of the literature and create competence to undertake research projects.  Additionally, this course prepares students to do research of their own including the dissertation and evaluation of practice.  The course will focus simultaneously on completing and consuming research.  Additionally, this class will cover general research design issues throughout the year as a part of weekly class discussion.  As a likely and frequently necessary area of research for practicing psychologists, this course will include coverage of the basics of program evaluation and incorporate real world examples. Finally a significant portion of the first semester will focus on psychological measurement.


II.  Course Description, Goals, Student Learning Outcomes and Instructional Strategy

A.     Course Description:  This is the second semester course of a two semester sequence.   It  is a practical course in research design, statistical analysis, psychological measurement, and evaluation of clinical processes.  Design and statistical procedures are presented in “lectures” and each student will construct tests, perform psychometrics, compre groups, and design a program evaluation proposal and carry out the analysis and write a report on simulated data.  In the process students will perform the following statistical analysis: multiple regression, MANOVA, MANCOVA, factor analysis, discriminant analysis,  logistic analysis, and structural equation modeling, and with all the necessary components.  Psychotherapy research will be covered.    

B.     Instructor Assumptions:  It is my assumption that we all need to have a strong conceptual base for us to take full advantage of the power of statstics in reseach.   Consequently, the general linear model will be brought to students attention with the introduction of the statical analysis methods. Additionally, time will be dedicated to the assumptions related to each statistic taught due to the importance of assumptions.  Additionally, attention also must be paid to the difference between clinical and statistical significance.  Not all that is statistically significant is important.  Thus, frequent attention will be devoted to measures of effect size and how to report them.  Philosophy of science is often played out in the variaous statistical procedures and we will consider internal and external threats to validity, and falsifiability.

C.     Specific Learning Outcomes:  Upon successful completion of the first semester of this course, students will be able to:


1.      Understand assumptions for each statistical technique;

2.      Understand the general linear model;

3.      Conduct a number of statistical procedures using SPSS and other statistical software;

4.      Comprehend the necessary information in an SPSS printout;

5.      Write up statistical findings in APA style.

6.      Comprehend basic psychological measurement theory.

7.      Choose appropriate univariate and multivariate statistical procedures;

8.      Design a research project;

9.      Describe and calculate different forms of reliability and validity and how each can be assessed

10.   Design instruments;

11.   Select and critique instruments based on psychometric properties.

12.   Be conversant with the most common methods for assessing therapeutic effectiveness; including efficacy studies, effectiveness studies, and meta-analysis

13.   Understand the basics of program evaluation;

14.   Write and assess process and outcome questions for a program evaluation;

15.   Write a comprehensive research proposal;

16.   Conduct culturally competent research;

D.     Instructional Strategy:  The format of the class will utilize lecture, SPSS demonstration, small group activities and a computer lab for students to obtain individual assistance.  Students can use the discussion boards, assignments feature and other resources setup for this course in Moodle.  There will weekly pre-test and post-tests.  A paper reporting on a program evalustion will be completed.  It will include design, analysis, and report of results.  Need to discuss procedure for interpreting results.


III.  Course Outline:







Assignments Due



Introcution to SPSS, review univarite statistics, multivariate statistics, psychotherapy research, programs evaluation;General Linear Model


Assignment 1: Creste a set of fake data and run: correlation; t-test; chi square




Multiple Regression Models

Tabachnick Chapter 5


Assignment 2: Mutiple regression; stepwise regression

Correlation; t-test; chi square syntax and output due.




Tabachnick Chapter 5


ASMT  3: Part and partial correlations; hierarchical


Mutiple regression; stepwise regression due Part and partial correlations; hierarchical



Test construction; write items; reliability; validity

Psy605q.com;validity article

ASMT 4: create a scale; get people to complete with fake data; do reliability

MANOVA and MANCOVA syntax and output files




Discriminant Analysis

Tabachnick Chapter 9


ASMT 5: Run at least two discriminant functions – one on data from scale

Syntax files and output from scale




Factor Anaysis

Tabachnick Chapter 13


ASMT 5: At least 4 factor analysis runs assessing factor structer

Discriminant functions – syntax filex and output



Midterm Exam: Psychological Measurement & Theory

Psychological tests & test score interpretation

Psy605q.com Psychometrics

Assignment 6: Testing information – cut-score; standard scores;norms

A couple of syntax files and some output showing best factor structer



Spring Break






Structural Equation Modeling


Confirmatory factor analysis

Testing information – cut-score; standard scores;norms



Structural Equation Modeling cont


Mediating structural model

Confirmatory factor analysis runs due



Potpourri of Research Design; non-linear dat; dosage; measuring treatment


Runs for non-linear; interaction; measing treatment

Mediating structural model



Logistic Regression


Runs for logistic regression.

Syntax & output for non-linear; interaction; measring treatment



Cluster Analysis

Psy605q.com; template for Private Practive Outcome

Run Cluster Analysis

Syntax files and output for logistic regression



Prog Eval: Introduction  Private practice; psychothereapy research

Psy605q.com; template for Private Practive Outcome

Work on scales; analysis;

Syntax and output for cluster analysis



Prog Eval: Continued – Agency providing MH services;psychotherapy research

Psy605q.com; template for Private Practive Outcome

Work on report

Analysis of evaluation of agency providing MH services.



Possible: Profile analysis or Survival analysis

Study for exam


Scales; syntax files



Final Exam



Program evaluation report due




IV.  Bibliography

Required Texts

Tabachnick & Fidell (2013).  Using Multivariate Statistics.  6th edition. Pearson, New York.

Canfield, M. L.  psy605q.com



V.  Course Requirements and Evaluation of Students


Spring Semester


Homework (week post)    30%                 10 points per syntax and output post (15 posts – 150 points)

Weekly Exams                   30%                 1 point per each correct answer (150 points)

Midterm Exam                   10%                 1 point per each correct answer (50 questions)

Final Exam                         10%                 1 point per each correct answer (50 questions)

Evaluation Paper               20%                 1 point per each correct answer (100 points)



Please note: Percentages are approximate.  Point values will be followed precisely.


97 - 100% of possible points                   A+              

93 - 96 %                                                     A

89 - 92 %                                                     A-

85 - 88 %                                                     B+

81 – 84%                                                     B

77 – 80%                                                     B-

below 80% (1600 points or less) will receive an F for the course


Homework: The syntax for SPSS/EQS run plus the output from the run (discuss in class).


Weekley Exams: The weekly exams will cover the material covered in the previous class.


Midterm Exam: The midterm (50 items) will cover mataial covered.


Final Exam: Material covered from Midterm to last class (50 items).


Paper:  Paper on program evaluation.



VI.       Right to Alter Syllabus

This syllabus does not constitute a contract between the instructor and the students in the course.  While every effort will be made to present the material as described the instructor retains the right to alter the syllabus for any reason at any time.  When such changes are made every effort will be made to provide students with both adequeate notification of the changes and to provide them with sufficient time to meet any changes in the course requirements.


VII.     Course Specific Policies

A.     Class Attendance, Lateness, Missed Exams or Assignments  The University expects regular class attendance by all students.  Each student is responsible for all academic work missed during absences.  When an absence is necessary, students should contact the instructor and to check for assignments.  See the University Catalog for the complete policy on attendance.  When prolonged absence is necessary, students should contact the instructor in advance if at all possible or as quickly as possible if there are unforeseen absences.  Student will be expected to complete the necessary work before the absence or immediately upon return.

B.     Credit Hour Policy: This three-unit course requires 9 hours per week of work.  This will typically include three hours a week of classroom instruction/work.  In addition it is expected that homework and assignments require an additional six hours of outside work per week for a total of 135 hours of student work per semester.  Some weeks the three hours of classroom time will be replaced by online video lectures and other materials.

C.     Cancellation of Registration:  The University reserves the right to cancel the registration of any student who does not comply with Alliant rules, regulations, or policies including the nonpayment of tuition fees. 

D.     Participation: Weekly participation in class is required.  Failure to participate in class discussions can result in a lowering of your course grade.

E.      Grading Policy:  All assignments must be submitted through the assignments function in Moodle except for hand written calculations which can be turned in to the TAs mailbox on campus.  Late papers or assignments will not be accepted without prior clearance from the instructor.



VIII.  Program, Campus, School and University Policies

A.     Policy on Course Requirements During Religious Holidays  In keeping with the institution’s commitment to respect and affirm cultural, religious, and spiritual diversity, the University supports the rights of students, staff, and faculty to observe religious/cultural/spiritual obligations that conflict with the University’s schedule.   Faculty instructors and staff/administrative supervisory personnel are expected to make reasonable accommodations when a student or an employee is absent from class or work because of religious/cultural/spiritual observance. 

A student who plans to be absent from class because of a religious/cultural/spiritual observance is expected to request accommodations by his/her instructors at least two weeks prior to the date in question, and preferably within the first two weeks of the semester.  A student who makes such a request in advance must be given the opportunity to make up the work which was missed, provided that the make-up work does not create an unreasonable burden on the instructor or the University.  Students should suffer no adverse or prejudicial effects for missing class when they have given due notice in advance.  However, absence from classes or from examinations does not relieve students of the responsibility for meeting the course requirements.  This policy does not change existing course or academic program policies with respect to the impact of absences or missed class time on the student’s evaluation.  However, instructors are encouraged to consider whether students, who, because of religious/cultural/spiritual observance, miss more than the expected class time, might do so without penalty.  It is understood that the instructor’s ability to do this will likely be based on the characteristics and expectations of the particular course and the importance of maintaining the quality of the academic program..

B.     Responsibility to Keep Copies  Remember – it is good practice to keep copies of ALL major assignments/papers you turn in.  On rare occasion, work may be lost because of computer failure or other mishaps.

C.     Respectful Speech and Actions Alliant International University, by mission and practice, is committed to fair and respectful consideration of all members of our community, and the greater communities surrounding us.  All members of the University must treat one another as they would wish to be treated themselves, with dignity and concern.  As an institution of higher education, Alliant International University has the obligation to combat racism, sexism, and other forms of bias and to provide an equal educational opportunity. Professional codes of ethics (e.g., from the APA for psychology students) and the Academic Code shall be the guiding principles in dealing with speech or actions that, when considered objectively, are abusive and insulting.

D.     Academic Code of Conduct and Ethics  The University is committed to principles of scholastic honesty.  Its members are expected to abide by ethical standards both in their conduct and in their exercise of responsibility towards other members of the community.  Each student’s conduct is expected to be in accordance with the standards of the University.  The complete Academic Code, which covers acts of misconduct including assistance during examination, fabrication of data, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and assisting other students in acts of misconduct, among others, may be found in the Alliant Catalog.  The University reserves the right to use plagiarism detection software.

E.      Student Disclosure of Personal Information.  Students may be (therefore) be required to participate in learning activities that require different levels of self-disclousre.  These multiple evaluative areas include but are not limited to, demonstration of sufficient: 1) interpersonal and professional competence; b) self-awareness, self-reflection and self-evaluation; c) openness to processes of supervision; and d) resolution of problems or issues that interfere with professional development or functioning in a satisfactory manner.  (The complete CSPP policy on disclosure of personal information is contained in the Alliant catalogue.)

F.      Academic Standing:  Within CSPP students remain in Good Academic Standing unless they meet one of the following criteria.  Students are placed on Warning if they receive 1 grade of C or lower.  Students are placed on Probation if they receive 2 Cs or 1 C and 1 D/F in the first 60 units of their program OR 3 Cs or 2 D/Fs and 1 C.  Students will be terminated from the program if their GPA falls below a 3.0 or they remain on Probation for 2 consecutive semesters.  The complete CSPP Academic Standing policy is contained in the Alliant catalogue.

G.     IRB policy [in progress]


IX.  Accomodations and Resources

1.      Disability Accommodations  If you need disability-related accommodations in this class, please see me privately.  All accommodations must be requested in a timely manner (at least 2 weeks ahead of time) with a letter of support for Alliant’s Office of Disability Services.  If you have questions about accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability Services.

2.      Obtaining Tutoring or Other Student Support Services  Tutors are available to help students with course-based or exam-based needs.  Contact the Director of Student Support Services for information on obtaining tutoring – or other student support services – on your campus. 

3.      Problem Solving Resources  If problems arise with faculty, other students, staff, or student support services, students should use the University Problem Solving Procedures located on the web at http://www.alliant.edu/academic/studentproblemsolving/Student_ GrievancePolicy.pdf or contact the University Ombudsperson.